Monday, March 21, 2011

4 Months Old!

Can't believe my sweet little baby is already 4 months old!

Happiest little thing ever!

Gorgeous Baby Boy.

We had a little photo shoot. :)

He did wonderful at his 4 month check up. Mom came and watched Case for me, so Rhetter man and I had some alone time. It's so odd how quiet the car rides are without Case man!

 Sweet man smiled and drooled all over the place while our Doctor checked him out. The Doctor commented on how social he was, and that he really loved people. :)

Shots went okay as well, he didn't even blink an eye for the first one, but the second one apparently burned and he absolutely wailed. Breaks your heart! He was back to smiling and flirting with the nurse shortly after though!

The stats:
Weight 15 lbs 1 oz. (In the 55th percentile)
Length 26 in (In the 90th percentile)

Rhett is only 4 in shorter than Case was at a year old!! (I thought it was 2 in, I've been telling people that but just checked and it's actually 4 oops) The Doctor told me he was about 2 months ahead, and we joked about how he is growing out of his clothes like crazy! I keep pulling the next sizes out and he's already outgrown them! 

AND he is ready to start on rice cereal and then on to fruit and veggies!!! Are you serious?! 

Slow down sweet boy!

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