Thursday, May 17, 2012

Last Day of School!

(This photo was taken by Solomon's Mom Carrie! Solomon is the sweet little boy behind Case :)

It seemed like this year just flew by!
I think it went even faster, because the winter months were so mild this year.
Usually those cold months being stuck inside make it seem like winter will never ever end.
Winter came and went this year though, and we had lots of fun days on the playground!

Case and Rhett both have grown SO much since their first day of Maxwell Street!
Rhett's first day 
Case's first day

Oh my goodness they have gotten so big!

Here are some pictures of our very last day before summer break...

Miss Liz, Miss Jackie & Miss Karen

We had a wonderful year, I truly loved and felt so blessed to know each and every child in our class.
I will miss those sweet babies this summer, but excited about summer break and summer fun!
We have already had several play dates with school friends, and plan on having lots more!

I have decided to take off next year, as Case & Rhett would be in the same room with me starting in November when Rhetter's will be two.
 Something was just weighing on my mind about it, and I came to the conclusion that I know myself too well, and know that I would be overwhelmed having my two babies in the room while trying to be a teacher to all the other babies as well.
I learned very quickly with Case this year that if he was a little tired, hungry, sad, moody, grumpy it was okay to be a whiny hot mess that day because HEY, Mommy's here!
It made for some hard days sometimes, especially in the beginning.
As Rhett gets older and his personality becomes more clear, I honestly don't think he would even notice that I was in the room - but I also think he would be a TOTAL handful going into a class of 2-4 year olds! That boy is wild and would be a brand new two year old!
I think Rhetter's needs another year - plus Mama needs another year with him before he's off to Mother's Morning Out!
I'm so excited about getting some alone time with with the Rhetter's next year. I also know big brother will have SO much fun and will be so good for him to be in school without Mama there with him.

Not thinking about all that growing up and getting bigger stuff yet though!
Right now we are enjoying lazy summer days and favorite.

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