Wednesday, May 7, 2014

36 Week Check Up

Woo hoo! 
Hello ninth, and final month of pregnancy! 
(Oh man, when I just typed that, it made me kind of sad!)

This begins my weekly appointments, 
getting so excited to meet this little lady. 

I dropped the boys off at preschool this morning and headed to my appointment. 
I was called back, and was given another "goodie bag" 
along with all the paper work about when to call, parking, etc. etc. 
I for some reason wasn't expecting all of this, 
and it really hit me that we are actually THAT CLOSE to having a baby!

This appointment included the Group B test, 
and the beginning of internal exams. 

Before the exam, 
I made sure to tell him I was spotting Sunday morning,
(nothing crazy, and no contractions or anything)
that I was having sharp pains down into my legs, 
and that my tail bone has been aching. 
(Rhett broke my tail bone as I delivered him)

To which he responded, 
"You are going to be dilated."
 "Do you think so??"
 "I'm guessing 2" 

Well guess what, I am 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced! 
"Pretty good guess, huh?"

He joked again that this baby is going to be 8 lbs 15 oz, 
to keep with the trend.
(Case was 6lbs 15 oz, and Rhett was 7 lbs 15 oz)
I asked him if he really thought she was going to be 9 lbs, 
as I was a little bit worried about delivering a 9 lb baby!
He smiled and said he didn't think she was that big. 

I also asked him to take a guess at when she'll be here,
"Hmmm 11 days. That would be, let's see, the 18th"
"That's my baby shower at my sister's house.. ha!"
"Oh wait, that's my daughter's graduation, okay 12 days!"

Oh lordy. 

Of course we know only God knows when our daughter will make her grand entry into the world,
but it's so hard not to obsess about when we think she'll be here! 

Oh, and I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead, I'm measuring 39 weeks. 

Matt gives me a week or two. 
We shall see!!! 

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