Saturday, June 4, 2011

A "Bay Ball Game!"

I just need to start out by saying, Case LOVES baseball.
It is precious.

So, when our church put up a contest for a chance to win tickets to a Lexington Legend's Baseball Game, we definitely entered! Well, come to find out they announced us the winners at church on Sunday...but we were in Ashland! Ha!

Matt was able to pick them up the day of, and we were so excited to take our boys! 
We are so thankful for the contest, such a fun unexpected family night!

Case watched the game...I mean, seriously watched the game.
If someone in front of him blocked his view, he would move so he could see again. He cheered in the right places, threw his hands up with in the air with a "Aww man! Try again!" when there was a strike out. It was hilarious, and pretty adorable to watch. 

Rhett was an angel. He just sat on my lap for about 3 hours, laughing and watching his big brother. Wide eyed watching us crazy people yelling, clapping and cheering for the game! He was just taking it all in!

I'm still not sure there is anything cuter than little boys in baseball hats...

. . .

Funniest part of the night though...Matt caught one of the soft baseballs they were throwing into the stands, handed it to Case, and Case threw it right back into the stands!!!

Everyone was like "Awww...No!!!" HA! 

Somehow, Matt caught another one, and we quickly put it into the diaper bag. Case has been playing with that one all morning. :)

After that, Case stood there with his hand out, I think he thought Daddy caught them from the actual game, so he stood ready to catch one...

(How cute are those pudgy little toes at the bottom of this picture?!)

 Last inning, trying to help win the game with their rally hats on! 

 The fireworks after the ball game were so great! They had great music playing behind the show, and the boys absolutely loved it. I was pretty nervous that Rhett would be scared to death, we were ready to get out of there quickly if he started crying and screaming...but to my surprise he just cuddled with me and watched the entire show without a peep! Case said "Fireworks! Mom! Dad! Fireworks!" He talked about them the whole ride home, saying over and over "I had fun at fireworks! Fireworks Mommy! Daddy! I had fun at fireworks!"

Such a fun Friday night with my little family. 

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