Sunday, January 6, 2013

Rhett: 1, Potty Training: 0

Rhett definitely won the first battle of potty training.
Thankfully, I wasn't ready to full out train him, it was more of a little trial run. 

He asks every now and then to go "Pee pee on the potty." 
He'll strip all of his clothes off and point the bathroom door. 
He always sits for about 0.3 seconds (without accomplishing anything) and yelling, "ALL DONE!" 

At his recent 2 year old check up, our Doctor encouraged us to really use that at our advantage. 
So I decided I'd give it a try one weekend, when I knew we didn't have any plans. 

We brought out the potty chair we used for Case, and gave it a try. 
I stripped Rhett down, and explained what we were trying. 
(By the way, it never gets funnier seeing a little teeny tiny tush running around all day!) 

About 15 minutes after taking the diaper off he had a little accident, 
so I sat him on the potty and went over again, that we were going to pee pee in the potty.
Yeah, you aren't convincing me yet, kid. 

Let's just say, a couple days and a few EPIC accidents later. 
(One including a #2, leggos, and lots of bleach) 
we chalked it all up to an exhausting weekend of chasing Rhett around with anti bacterial cleaner, 
and one 2 year old who could give two...well, just could care less. ;) 

Mommy's new plan is to wait until the weather is a little warmer, 
and he's a few months older. 

Wish us luck!

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