Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Let's Schedule a Surgery Date"

We've been checking in on Case's thumbs with Dr. Riley every 6 months, since late 2011.
Our appointment in July 2012, was another x-ray and "let's wait and see" appointment.

As explained in previous posts, we were waiting to see if Case's bilateral trigger thumbs would release on their own, and we could avoid surgery. 
Typically, between 3-4 kids hands grow, and the tendons would either release or remain tightened, 
causing the bend in our little guys two thumbs. 

We had another check up Monday morning.

We realize now, after some time,
 that Case's thumbs probably aren't going
to permanently fix themselves on their own.
Our Doctor explained again, that the likelihood of this is less and less after the age of 4.

Well, we have a four year old, and he still has bent thumbs.

His right thumb still occasionally slips out and will straighten, but it always bends back up the same day.
With preschool, and kindergarten starting in the next couple of years, plus t-ball coming up again this spring,
Matt and I decided that it would be best to go ahead and get this over with.
Dr. Riley completely agreed and encouraged our decision.

So before we knew it, we were talking surgery dates.

We scheduled one for the beginning of February,
but Matt called, as I am writing this post, to let me know he has a work conflict for the date we had set.
Then quickly responded back that we were set up for just one day later, the 6th. 

I know that this will be much harder on Mommy & Daddy then for Case,
kids are so resilient, and I know he will barely have any memory of this when he is older.
I am just already a wreck about the thought of anesthesia, and of him feeling scared!

I know that God will see us through this, as He does everything.

We would be so thankful, and appreciative of prayers for our sweet little man,
and for Mommy & Daddy too! 

I am excited for Case to have working thumbs soon,
and to not ever have to worry about them again.
I know they will take such good care of him.
They had pictures and video taken of his thumbs before we left our appointment,
we are definitely looking forward to seeing the difference after surgery!

Now we are just waiting on Wednesday, February 6!


  1. Aww!! We will be keeping everyone in our prayers!! I'd be nervous and scared as well!! No fun seeing your little one have to do any type of surgery, but like you said, kids are so resilient. He'll probably think it's fun! ;)

    1. Thank you SO much! I know I'll be a hot mess the day of the surgery, but I know that he will be just fine!! Ha! You are probably right!!

  2. Will pray for God to comfort you all tomorrow and give you peace. Keep us posted!
