Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas in Ashland

This year was a little different all around. 
We headed down Saturday morning and ended up celebrating that afternoon, 
instead of the usual waking up, eating breakfast in pajamas and then opening presents...
and the most different, was that Roger's daughters and families weren't able to make the trip this time.
With both of the families living in the Carolinas, new babies, job requirements and job changes, it was just proving to be too difficult to work it out. 
Of course we understood, but were just so so sad, and missed them so so much! 
Definitely wasn't the same without them. Not to mention we still haven't met sweet Audrey Hope! 
Can NOT WAIT to meet her this summer!
Along with the other little lady joining our family, Chloe, due in about 6 weeks! Ah! So exciting!

The idea about celebrating and opening presents Saturday early afternoon, 
instead of Sunday morning  (the day we were leaving) worked out really well though, 
especially for our boys. 

So we arrived, unpacked a little bit, Mamaw and Papaw came over and we began! 
Well my turn came around, and I open up this medium size box...
Canon Rebel t3i. 

I was speechless! All I could say was, 
"Oh my God, I mean gosh!" 
"You are so sneaky!"
"Matthew Vernon!"

I can't even describe how excited and happy and ecstatic and shocked I was! 
I have been stealing Sally's camera every time they are in for a special occasion so I can take better pictures, always complain about my little point and shoots, have been craving a NICE camera for years...and now I have one! 
Sooooo happy, hubby did good. He did SO good! 

Sally had the battery already charged for me. Turns out, Sally picked the camera up from Matt the day they were in town a few weeks ago. Sneaky sneaky! 

So let the picture taking craziness begin! 
Warning now, there will be a ridiculous abundance of picture taking in my future!

So here it goes...I was definitely a little camera happy! :) 


Case & Rhett were obsessed with their new airplane that they could build and take apart! 

LOVE my new necklace, a cross and two pendents with C & R on them for my babies!

Painted an ornament for Sally & Roger. :) 


 The other hit for Christmas was the new John Deer Tractor from Mamaw & Papaw! 
Another reason opening Saturday was nice, because it has to charge over night!
Daddy put it together, so Sunday morning they could actually ride it! 

 The boys LOVED all of their goodies, as did Mommy & Daddy! 


The next morning, at 10:30am to be exact, the John Deer was fully charged. 
Here they are running out to ride it for the first time...

 Oh my word, they had a BLAST. 
They were so cute about taking turns, every second lap or so Case would say "Okay, let's switch!" 
Rhett can't reach the pedal yet, so Case has to push it down for him, as Rhett attempted to steer. 
Daddy got lots of exercise walking around with them,
 making sure they didn't run into any mailboxes or trucks!
They were in little boy heaven! 

Then it was inside to play one of Case's new games, and a nap for Rhetter. :)

 (Mamaw & Papaw were headed out to Texas for the winter the following day!)


 As the day wrapped up, we packed up around 4 so we could head back just in time for it to get dark 
so we could drive through Southern Lights and then on to the fire station.
We arrived to the Horse Park right around 5:45, which was PERFECT. 
There was a little bit of a line before us, but moved at a steady pace. 
I don't have any pictures, we let the boys sit in our laps, and Rhett was one wiggly little worm! 
Case was in complete awe, Rhett was more excited about the freedom of being out of his car seat! 

When we left, the lines coming in were unbelievable!
Definitely made ourselves a mental note to arrive at around the same time next year! 
We didn't go inside this year, as the boys were pretty worn out from the trip, 
and Case already met Santa, one of the most important things. ;) 


After the horse park, we stopped at the Fire Station before heading on home. 
It's so neat, they have a radio station set up, and the lights flash and move along with the music. 
Case was so into it, and Rhett was really into his new movie, Bugs Life. ;)
(Thanks Aunt Kelli & Uncle Chris!) 

What a busy weekend. 
2 rounds of Christmas, and one more to go! 
Love this time of year.


  1. So fun! I'm familiar with the picture taking craziness - it makes blogging take a bit longer becuase it's! I'm thrilled for you though because the pictures are SO MUCH BETTER than with the stand by point and shoot camera phone ;). Their home made t-shirts are presh.
